Mother Design & Bodily

Reshaping women’s health. (Read more)

Bodily believes that when it comes to women’s bodies and the physical changes they experience, the things that no one talks about are the ones that need the most attention. Because of this, the Bodily team set out to build a content and direct-to-consumer platform of educational resources and modern products backed by clinical research, with an initial focus on birth and pregnancy recovery, and later, the ability to take on other transitional moments in a woman’s body.

The name Bodily is confident and proud, directly addressing the topic at hand unapologetically. It also reinforces the brand’s role in helping people navigate their bodies, whatever shape, size, or stage of life.

Our visual language strategically did away with photography in favor of a more universal graphic language, employing a rich palette of hues and tints paired with a robust design system of shapes built on a custom grid. Like real life, our shapes are sometimes round and sometimes rough around the edges. This shape and color system allowed us to unify both the content and product components of the business with clarity. On the content side, our shapes helped illustrate medically complex or sensitive topics and became a toolkit to create modular infographics. On the product side, the shape system helped to organize products under clear categories across all consumer packaging.

Mother Design & Bodily

Reshaping women’s health. (Read more)
Mother Design

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